Agency life – 2nd quarter 2019

9 July 2019

Online annual report for the Société vaudoise de médecine (SVM) – Strategy and content for the EPFL+ECAL Lab’s digital platform « Resoli » – Media relations for Wonderbox and the Swiss National Association of and for the Blind (SNAB) – 360° communication for the restoration of a Vevey neo-gothic building – A new address for our Geneva office

From April to June 2019, our agency has :

  • managed the transition of the Société vaudoise de médecine’s annual report to a digital version (web & webdesign: ergopix, haymoz design). Since the fall of 2017, the agency provides global communication support to the SVM (consulting, strategy, content, supports, media relations, events…).
  • supported Wonderbox in its mainstream brand awareness strategy. For the 3rd year in a row, the « Mother’s day » media campaign has been outstanding (covered both in online/offline media and social media), and once again honored all the Swiss « wonder moms » !
cure vevey
  • moved our Geneva office in mid-June from Carouge to the city center of Geneva (Rue du Général Dufour 11). We look forward to welcoming you there !
FTC Genève
  • started working with new clients, like the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (suisse énergie), Omnia Immobilier, Vision Compliance and the Clinique La Lignière.

During the same period, we also provided various consulting and communication services for the following clients :
