Agency life – 3rd quarter 2019

22 October 2019

Summer was exciting for our agency, with clients active in the fields of health and training (complicance, stock market, digital), as well as a municipal merger and a brand-new guide called “Enjoy Lausanne” !

From July to September 2019, our agency has :

  • assisted the announcement of a major partnership between the world’s leading platform for online training, Coursera, and the pharmaceutical company Novartis. This collaboration means that the company’s employees (13,000 in Switzerland) now have access to several thousand courses. Novartis intends to strengthen the skills of its employees, particularly in the digital field;
  • managed Swiss media relations (collaboration with open-up for the German-speaking part of Switzerland) for the launch of the 5th edition of the TechShare programme set up by Euronext. This training and coaching programme, aimed at the managers of promising technology companies, covers all aspects of an initial public offering;
  • highlighted the new training offered by Vision Compliance in Geneva, the training center specialised in banking and finance compliance;
  • designed and organised the Forum “médecins-pharmaciens”, a joint and exceptional event for the 2 concerned professional associations, which brought together more than 300 people at the 2m2c in Montreux. Due to the upcoming Federal elections, a major electoral debate with 5 national councilors (moderated by 24heures) on Swiss health policy was also included in the programme;
organisation forum médecins pharmaciens
  • supported the 3 Swiss umbrella associations of cantonal medical societies (SMSR, VEDAG, OMCT) in their communication with federal election candidates, in particular via an online survey;
  • advised and supported the municipalities of Blonay and St-Légier-La Chiésaz (VD) in their joint communication to the population on their merger project (content creation, information sessions);
  • contributed (texts), in collaboration with the Lausanne agency Newcom, to the production of the first guide “Enjoy Lausanne, your shopping reference”, published by the Société Coopérative des Commerçants Lausannois.

During the same period, we also provided various consulting and communication services for the following clients :
